On the 22nd and 23rd of May, the RESPONDENT consortium came together at the headquarters of project partner Carr Communications in Dublin, Ireland for a plenary session, the first of the year for 2024.
With 2024 shaping up to be the most exciting year of the project yet, there was plenty for the partners to discuss and prepare during the project’s 3rd plenary.
Over the course of the day-and-a-half meeting, in-depth discussions were had about the progress of the respective work packages, events we will be attending, the publication of a paper on RESPONDENT from partner IREC, and, of course, the first of our two pilot demonstrations.
With the first pilot demonstration of the RESPONDENT due to take place this October at the solar PV park of project partner Kiefer in Artemida, Greece, our plenary meeting in Dublin was an excellent opportunity to ensure that we are on track and prepared for what promises to be a successful demonstration.
As the purpose of this pilot will be to demonstrate and validate the RES power forecasting AI/ML algorithm under real-world conditions, the consortium discussed its plans to guarantee that the forecasting process, a key component of the RESPONDENT solution suite, will be a resounding success and effectively showcase the amazing and dedicated work of our partners over the course of the project.
At the conclusion of the meeting, we spoke to Dimitris Tiligadas, a mechanical engineer and representative of project partner KIEFER to get his thoughts on hosting the partners in October for the pilot demonstration:
“We’re really looking forward to hosting the RESPONDENT project consortium for the pilot demonstration at our solar PV park this October. This event will be significant milestone of the project and our collaborative efforts to advance sustainable energy solutions. We eagerly anticipate showcasing the RES power forecasting AI/ML algorithm in real-world conditions, demonstrating the innovative and dedicated work of our partners. We look forward to a successful and impactful demonstration!”
Our warm thanks again to our Irish partner Carr Communications for their hospitality in Dublin, and for organising an enjoyable and productive meeting of the consortium.
Next up… the first pilot demonstration in Greece!